

Sailing around New Zealand

Emily is sailing solo around New Zealand on her 32 foot yacht Honey, from Lyttelton south down the east coast, around the bottom of Stewart Island, up the west coast of the South and North Islands and down the east coast back to Lyttelton. The whole adventure is expected to take 3 months. This blog will provide updates as I travel (when I have mobile reception to upload).

Monday, 21 January 2013

Paterson Inlet

Tim arrived by plane to Stewart Island on Monday 14th, the day after we arrived. We had a lovely time exploring Paterson Inlet, starting off by catching more cod than we really needed in the space of about 20 minutes. It was cod for breakfast, lunch and dinner!! We visited the beautiful Millars Beach, stayed a night in Kaipipi, then two nights in Sailors Rest where it rained and even hailed!! Then back to Faith, Hope and Charity where I am now. Tim left yesterday afternoon, and Anders Gillies took off about 7.30am this morning sailing back to Lyttelton.

My plans now are to refuel and rewater Honey early this afternoon, then I'm heading off to Port Adventure a little way south of here either later today if I'm ready in time or early tomorrow morning. There's a high in the area so finally some settled weather for a few days! Then at this stage the plan is back to Paterson Inlet on Wednesday, although being at the mercy of the weather that could change.

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